Fair-Use Policy
What is fair-use?
We offer unlimited support, depending on your chosen plan, that may include remote, on-site, after-hours, and/or website design labor hours. This labor is here to do 3 things,
- Fix problems
- Help users
- Identify broken software and hardware
This fair-use policy ensures that our labor isn’t wasted due to items outside of our control.
When would this fair-use policy come into play?
There are three main scenarios where we may raise the fair-use flag.
- A user asks the same question over and over again, regardless of how much training they have had.
- We identify some broken hardware or software and ask for permission to replace or repair the problematic item. This request is not approved.
- The request is for items not included with your support package.
User not trainable:
We would alert you that our time is being used answering the same questions over and over. We will ask you for advice on how to help the user. Should the user STILL refuse to follow our how-to document or other instruction, then we will alert you that future requests by this user will be billed separately. You will have the option to instruct us to not help this user but, instead, to direct their requests back to you.
Busted hardware or software:
If an issue keeps happening and the solution is to spend some money to replace/repair some hardware or software, then we will request your approval for funds to do this. If we are not given approval to fix it and so must keep applying ‘band-aid’, temporary repairs, we will alert you that any future fix-it requests for this specific issue will be billed separately until the permanent fix can be approved and applied.
What is included in your package:
Your service plan will have an itemized list of products and services. You can always request to have a copy of your plan sent to you in case you lost it. In short, ANY item not specifically defined by this list is excluded by default.
For example: None of our support packages cover projects. However, most of our packages include licenses for Microsoft 365. Also, the higher-level packages include robust cybersecurity tools while the ‘good’ package includes basic cybersecurity software and services only.